Tuesday, 20 December 2011

On the road again

It's been good to get on the road again even though I probably overdid it on Sunday.

Running on the snow is amazing. There is something about being the first person to run on snowy ground. It's almost like being an explorer going where no one has gone before. Although clearly this isn't the case.

After my run was a physio session with Mark who gave me a clean bill of health with the focus being on strengthening my legs. After physio on Saturday morning I aborted my morning run because my ankle felt a bit sore.

On Sunday things were a bit better so I went on a mad ice run wearing my innov8's for grip. The only way to run on icy paths is very fast ~ well as fast as is possible. I work on the theory that if you do that there is less risk of falling and breaking something. Don't care if this is rubbish cos it works for me.

However this is mucho ankle movement so yesterday in the gym was a bit tame and today was on the spin bike.

Lesson learned is behave yourself and don't show off when you are trying to recover from an injury.

Plan for this weekend coming is to step up to 8 miles and wear sensible shoes (Innov8's have no support).

There was an interesting blog reply suggest that rather than spending £3K+ I should run 26.2 miles on the same date as the NY marathon and use the money to have a massive party. I like this idea and will consider it but I'm going to have to get the atmosphere and the landscape somehow. Suggestion please. The dafter the better.

Signing off now and going to do some one legged balancing.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Getting Better

The great news is that I managed 30 minutes (5.5K) on the treadmill today and managed 10 minutes at 13kph with no apparent ill effects.

I'll do the same again tomorrow and then hit the road on Friday and Saturday hoping to get 6 mile plus done.

Looked again at paying for a package for the New York marathon and it's north of £3K which I need to work out if I am willing to pay. But then again it is likely to be a once in a lifetime experience.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Is the recovery starting? No not the economy stupid!

Today I managed 30 minutes on the running machine without stopping and yesterday 20 minutes. The only reason that it was 20 minutes yesterday was because I forgot to set the machine up for 30 minutes.

I've been recovering on the PowerPlate which is working really well and I would recommend it.

The snow has hit the ground again in Peebles and it reminds me of how much I love running in the snow in my Innovates. Last year it was a case of the more slippy the better but this year I am going to have to be more careful.

Lets see what the weekend brings.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Extra Exercise

Last night I had the journey home from hell and and had to push the clutch that many times I now have RSI in my knee.

Thankfully no after effects this morning. Could be because I broke my "I'm not drinking in November" fast and had a few glasses of wine.

I have now run 3 x 1 miles on the running machine. I'm going to double my distance from tomorrow and I don't get many chances to say that.

Will be out on the bank tomorrow as long as it's not 80 mph winds and lashing rain. Oh that's the forecast :~(

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Jim at the Gym

So yesterday I bit the bullet and made an appointment to get a weights programme set up.

I couldn't get one at my early morning gym time so had to skive off work early to go over at 4.30.

So I now have a weights plan which embraces the value of the Power plate and the inflatable ball.

Having done this I then me Kiwi Jon in the changing rooms who strongly advised not to go full on with machine weights.

So I can still use the Power plate which I recommend for stretching and the inflatable ball which I can use for abs and boy do I need some help with my abs. The only problem is I'm now going to have to hide from Jim in case he beats me up for wasting his time setting up a programme.

The good news is I ran my first mile on the running machine today and there appear to be no after effects. Lets see what tomorrow brings and then I can get back on the road.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Post Physio Update

I've now had my physio session with Mark.

Good because I now know what wrong and have a rehab plan.

Bad because that rehab plan only allows me to run one mile per day on grass. I can only move up to 2 miles if I get no pain the next day. If I do this properly I should have enough time to start my training programme properly on the 8th Jan.

So I need to keep my cardio up and the best way to do that when I'm at home is on the bike. I've just had the gears on my road bike so went out for a 25 mile ride on Saturday which takes in a big hill climb. The decent is superb with an amazing view over the Tweed Valley. About 100 yard from home I nearly took out a wee boy who decided to ride out right in front of me. No time to think I pulled on both brakes and didn't end up going over the handlebars but probably flat spotted the tyres. The boy learned some new words anyway. It's always an experience riding in cleats thinking how can I get my feet out of the pedals before the bike falls over.

So tomorrow it's back into the gym and on to the spin bike and get a weight programme.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

The grand plan

I started thinking about training plans today and drew up my 13 week plan. However it doesn't start until the 8th January so I need to figure out what I should be doing before then. Rest seems a bad idea so does running with an injury.

I went out today and ran 6 miles slowly to see how the leg would stand up. Unfortunately it was quite sore at the end. The weird thing is that it ok when I am in my bare feet. Maybe I should think about barefoot running.

Luckily Mark the physio is back from his holidays so I am going to see him and will hopefully get a plan to get back to full strength.

In the mean time it looks like I am going to have to stick to the bike to get the cardio

Thursday, 10 November 2011


No not the things on your feet but the people who train you. Any Americans reading this I mean a coach.

I was looking around the gym today and thinking who would I be happy to have as a trainer. There's an old guy and a few young guys and girls and a couple of older young guys if that makes any sense at all. I need someone who get what I do and understand how hard I want / need to train to make a difference. What should I do. I might ask Jonathan who he would recommend. I would rather have him but he is not around.

Got flights and hotels booked so it's all becoming real now. What a nightmare trying to get a hotel in the centre of London without having to pay a fortune.

The West Highland Way Race is now open and I'm unsure about putting in an application. I should get a place because I have run it in the past and the race has never been oversubscribed but I need to be sure about the commitment as training for the race is a big deal for me.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Run to the beat ~ or not

I was listening to my favourite drive time radio show ~ Get It On on BBC Radio Scotland where the theme was "music to work out to".

I texted in to say play nothing for me as I hate to run to mucsic. Whatever the beat it is usually wrong for the speed that I want to run at so I don't bother. To be honest I would prefer to listen to an audio book to pass the time.

I was reminded of Beautiful Day by U2 which was played at the start of the Chicago Marathon on Oct 2010 (10.10.10 to be precise) It was an amazing start but the Beautiful Day turned into a roasting hot day with a max of 30 degrees. There was just enough water to keep everyone going. I finished in 4.10 but was glad to finish and it was a great experience.

This is where I miss my running buddy Richard. We haven't run together for a long time because one or both of us have been injured. The chat was always good ranging from management advice to the latest recipe.  It really helps pass the time.

I'll stick to listening to the music on the way to the race.

Monday, 7 November 2011

It all starts today

Or does it? Did it ever finish from last time.

When you look at training plans they always assume that you are starting from scratch even the ones to get you to an Elite time. So where do you start when you are always running. That of course begs the question should you stop and if so for how long. I'm going to find out and when I do I'll let you know. I am going to ask my friend Jonathan who is super fast at all distances and may end up running London also.

Today's session in the gym was on the spin bike. This is great exercise because it enables a great burn and no impact. For me this counts as a rest ~ well on my ankle at least.

Mucked up on the way home as I had to buy some comfort food due to it being cold and dark. Need to restrict input.

Will ask at the gym tomorrow about a weights session.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

How far should you go to get a good time

And I don't mean getting on a bus like that eejit at the Keilder Marathon.

I'm thinking about giving up the drink, losing some weight (probably 10Kg in my case) and eating sensibly.

As someone who has used running as an excuse to eat and drink what I like this will be a toughie. So November is going to be drink free in the house. Drinking is allowed when going out which doesn't mean going out every other night :)

The losing the weight thing has always been difficult for me. After the initial weight loss I've plateaud around 85Kg which is probably due to stuffing my face after races.

So what I need to do is get a programme. Running I am ok with but weight loss not so and I believe I am going to have to start doing some weights which is going to involve pain on my part because I have not done any weight for so long.

Watch this space to see what happens.

Here we go again ~ another big race build up

The running thing started 7 years ago. I'd had a back operation and the surgeon told me that I should not run.

Three years of not doing anything made me overweight and extremely unhappy. Ironically being overweight is also bad for your back so I wasn't doing myself any favours.

one day I was so fed up I put on an old pair of running shoes and ran (slowly) around a 2 mile circuit without stopping. I was badly out of breath but had made it. i was also very sore the next day but managed to keep it up and with some support from good friends became a runner.

Of course 2 miles leads to 4 then 6 then 10K then a half marathon and then a full marathon. Of course once you get started it is impossible to stop (quite literally as I have never pulled out of a race) and that is where the mad runner comes in. Perhaps obsessive might be a better term but my wife says I am mad.

Well where do you go after a marathon ~ an ultra marathon of course. I'm proud to say that I have completed the 53 mile Highland Fling over the bottom half of the West Highland Way, the 43 mile Devil of the Highlands over the top half of the West Highland Way and the 96 Mile West Highland Way race.

So what now and why the blog. This year has been a relatively quiet year race wise because of injury but next year is my 50th birthday and I want to do something special.

Plans are for the London Marathon in April, the New York Marathon in November and the WHW Race in between in June. Usually I would try and throw some other random race in there but have been thinking that I train for too many races and even the professionals find it difficult to peak that many times in a year so will stick with 3 (for now).

Having missed the ballot for the London Marathon I managed to get a place through my club the Moorfoot Runners from Peebles which completes the picture of madpeeblesrunner.

My plan is to get a good for age time at London (sub 3.30) to qualify for New York. If I don't I'll probably try and get a charity place bur right now my focus is on sub 3.30. This will be challenging as my best time so far is 3.52.

So watch this space and see how I get on.